Sensor DDS® MIT Arc Testing

Water­less Geomem­brane Arc Test­ing Device ASTM D7593 Approved.

Sensor DDS® Dipole Testing

Cov­ered lin­er walkover dipole test­ing equipment.

Sensor DDS® LiTE - Primary Liner Monitoring

A LiTE ver­sion of the Sen­sor DDS® FIXED Sys­tem. A leak loca­tion sys­tem for loca­tion of dam­age to the pri­ma­ry geomembranes.

Sensor DDS® LAM - Leak Alarm System

A leak alarm sys­tem for dou­ble lined geomem­brane installations.

Sensor DDS® DuAL - Primary & Secondary Liner Monitoring

A leak loca­tion sys­tem for the simul­ta­ne­ous detec­tion and loca­tion of dam­age to the pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary geomembranes.

Sensor DDS® LAM - Fully Functioned Leak Alarm

Leak Alarm Sys­tem ide­al for use with Sen­sor DDS® FIXED sys­tems ide­al for DuAL variants.

Sensor DDS® RMS - Remote Monitoring

Remote mea­sure­ment of geomem­brane integri­ty with­out vis­it­ing site.

Sensor DDS® CMS - Continuous Monitoring

Real­time auto­mat­ic geomem­brane integri­ty mon­i­tor­ing with instan­ta­neous posi­tion­ing of a leak location.

Sensor LID - Pipe Leakage Monitoring

Smart Pipework Mon­i­tor­ing System.